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What is Mutawwif(ah)

The MUTAWWIF(AH) is a guide for the administration of Umrah and Hajj.
The Mutawwif (AH) is a person who is responsible for supervising, assisting, and guiding the pilgrims making the Hajj or Umrah journey while they are in the Holy Land (Mecca and Medina). During Hajj or Umrah, the Mutawwif(ah) is responsible for spiritual guidance, knowledge of prayer practices, prayers, historical sites, places, and other needs (if required). He ensures that the prayers can be performed smoothly and comfortably so that everyone can concentrate fully on the spiritual part of their journey.

Who is Eligible to be a Mutawwif(ah)

Who is Eligible to be a Mutawwif(ah)
1. Knowledgeable

A Mutawwif(ah) should have extensive knowledge of the rituals and procedures of Hajj & Umrah and be able to guide and support the pilgrims effectively.

2. Experienced

Experience in leading Umrah groups and dealing with various situations that may arise during Hajj or Umrah is essential for a Mutawwif(ah).

3. Patience

Patience is key as a Mutawwif(ah) often has to deal with different groups of pilgrims and respond to their concerns with empathy and understanding.


He must be able to walk and stand for long periods (if required) and must not have any serious health problems

5. Qualifications

A Mutawwif(ah) should have all the required official documents to qualify as a Mutawwif(ah).

How to Register As Certified Mutawwif(ah)

1. Fill In Form

Complete this form by providing all of the answers to the questions.

2. Supporting Document

Upload all requested documents, such as certificate, passport, photo, previous employer letter (optional) and registration fee

3. Terms & Condition

Read the terms and conditions listed carefully. Click the designated checkbox to indicate that you agree.

4. Auto Email

After successful click the checkbox, you will receive an automatic email including the confirmation number, the date of issuance, and the expiration date.

5. Proceed to payment

Pay your registration fee for only RM 210

6. Find Your Name

Then, go to find your name on the Mutawwif (ah) list provided. There will be others's Mutawwif (ah) names.

    Professional Form

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